Clinical Studies
A large number of studies of Protein-AF have been published. Find them on PubMed by clicking on this link and search for "antisecretory factor".
Clinical studies can also be found with a common internet search, using words such as "protein antisecretory factor", "Protein-AF", "SPC-Flakes" and ”Salovum".
Find a short-list of clinical studies below.
Salovum - Clinical Studies
Diarrhea - Inflammatory bowel diseases:
Effect of Antisecretory Factor in Ulcerative Colitis on Histological and Laborative Outcome; a Short Period clinical trial, Scand J of Gastroenterol, Eriksson et al. (2003)
P517 Efficacy of antisecretory factor in reducing high intestinal output in patients with ileostomy for Crohn ́s disease, poster presentation at Clinical Therapy and Observation, Scribano et al. (2015)
IBD and diarrhea - Karolinska University, Lllejbo (case study)
Diarrhea – General:
- Antisecretory factor counteracts secretory diarrhea of endocrine origin, Clinical Nutrition, Laurenius et al. (2003)
Diarrhea - Children:
The antisecretory factor – an efficient tool for rapid recovery from early childhood diarrhoea, Acta Paediatrica, Zaman et al. (2013)
B 221, a medical food containing antisecretory factor reduces child diarrhoea: a placebo-controlled trial, Acta Paediatrica, Zaman et al. (2007)
Antisecretory factor effectively and safely stops childhood diarrhoea: a placebo-controlled, randomised study, Acta Paediatrica, Zaman et al. (2014)
- High doses of Antisecretory Factor stops diarrhea fast without recurrence for six weeks post treatment, Internal Journal of Infectious diseases, Zaman et al. (2018)
- Antisecretory Factor: A Clinical Innovation in Ménière’s Disease? Acta Oto-Laryngologica, Hanner et al. (2003)
SPC-Flakes - Clinical Studies
Specially Processed Cereals: A clinical innovation for children suffering from inflammatory bowel disease? Scand J of Gastroenterol, Finkel et al. (2004)
Food-induced antisecretory factor activity is correlated with small bowel length in patients with intestinal resection, APMIS, Lange et al. (2003)
Food induced stimulation of the antisecretory factor can improve symptoms in human inflammatory bowel disease: A study of a concept, Gut, Björck et al. (2000)
Födoinducerad ökning av antisekretorisk faktor förbättrade det kliniska tillståndet hos sex patienter med svår Crohns sjukdom, Posterpresentation vid Riksstämman, Shafazand et al. (2003)
Effects of anti-secretory factor (ASF) on irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, Ekesbo et al. (2008)
Antisecretory factor counteracts secretory diarrhea of endocrine origin, Clinical Nutrition, Laurenius et al. (2003)
IBD and diarrhea - Karolinska University, Lllejbo (case study)
Increased antisecretory factor reduces vertigo in patients with Ménière’s disease: a pilot study, Hearing Research, Hanner et al. (2004)
Antisecretory factor-inducing therapy improves the clinical outcome in patients with Ménière’s disease, Acta Oto-Laryngologica, Hanner et al. (2010)
Antisecretory Factor – Inducing Therapy Improves Patient-Reported Functional Levels in Meniere ́s Disease, Annals of Otology, Rhinology & laryngology, Leong et al. (2013)
Food induced stimulation of the antisecretory factor to improve symtoms in Ménière’s disease, Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, Scarpa et al. (2020).
SPC-Flakes in the prophylaxis of Ménière’s disease, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Ménière ́s Disease and Inner Ear Disorders, Teggi et al. (2013)
Anti-inflammatorisk effekt av kosttillskott med specialprocessade cerealier vid reumatoid artrit – en dubbel-blind pilotstudie, Posterpresentation vid Riksstämman, Mörck et al. (2003)
The role of endogenous Antisecretory Factor in the treatment of Ménière's Disease A two-year follow-up study, Am J Otolaryngol, Viola et al (2020)